
The French Revolution - Revision Notes

  CBSE Class 09 Social Science Revision Notes Chapter - 1 History - THE FRENCH REVOLUTION The French Society during the Late 18th Century In 1774, Louis XVI, a 20 year young from Bourbon dynasty ascended the throne of France. He was welcomed by empty treasure. The France was reeling under tremendous debt which had mounted Up to 2 billion livres.For meeting theses expenses increase in the tax was inevitable. The French Society was divided into three estates. First two enjoyed all privileges. 1st Estate: Clergy 2nd Estate: Nobility 3rd Estate: Big businessmen, merchants, court officials, peasants, artisans, landless labourers, servants, etc. Some within the Third Estate were rich and some were poor. The burden of financing activities of the state through taxes was borne by the Third Estate alone. The Struggle for Survival  : Population of France grew and so did the demand for grain. The gap between the rich and poor widened. This led to subsistence crises. Subsistence Crisis  : An extrem

The French Revolution - Solutions

  CBSE Class 09 Social Science NCERT Solutions Chapter 1 History The French Revolution Question 1 . Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France. Answer  :The circumstances that causes outbreak of revolutionary protest in France were: Social Inequality : French society in eighteenth century was divided into three estates namely The Clergy, The nobility and Third estates which comprises peasants, officials and small business. It was only Third estates pay taxes. Clergy and nobility were exempt from taxes. Privilege based on birth:  People got privileges and position based on their lineage and not on their merit. This led to resentment among common people. Subsistence Crisis : The population of France also increased from 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789. Food grains were now in great demand. Price of bread shot up.Wages did not keep pace with rising prices.This led to subsistence crisis. Economic Problems : Long years of war had drained th

The French Revolution - Test Papers

  CBSE TEST PAPER-01 Class – IX Social Science (French Revolution) General Instruction: All questions are compulsory. Question No. 1 to 4 carries one mark each. Question No. 5 and 10 carry three marks each. Question No. 11 and 12 carry five marks each. Name the book that has proposed a division of power within the government? What was Livre? Define Tithe? Who was the king of France at the time of French revolution? The eighteenth century France witnessed the emergence of the middle class’. Who were they and what were their ideas? Describe any three causes for the fall of the Jacobin government in France. What do you understand by the term “Reign of Terror’? Highlight the provisions of the constitution which was introduced after the fall of Jacobin club. What role did women play during the revolutionary years? Three items A, B, and C are shown in the given outline map of France. Identify these items with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines ma

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution - Revision Notes

  CBSE Class 09 Social Science Revision Notes Chapter - 2 History - SOCIALISM IN EUROPE AND THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION THE AGE OF SOCIAL CHANGE The French Revolution opened up the possibility of creating a dramatic change in the way in which society was structured. Not everyone in Europe, however, wanted a complete transformation. Some were ‘conservatives’, while others were ‘liberals’ or ‘radicals’. Liberals:  Wanted a nation which tolerated all religions. They were against the uncontrolled power of the dynastic rulers.They wanted rights for individuals.They argued for an elected parliamentary government, subject to laws interpreted by a well trained judiciary that was independent of rulers and officials. They were not democrats because they did not believe in universal adult franchise. Radicals:  Wanted a nation in which government was based on the majority of a country’s population. They disliked concentration of property in hands of a few, not the existence of private property. Conserv

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution - Solutions

  CBSE Class 09 Social Science NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 History Socialism in Europe and  the Russian Revolution Question  1. What were the social, economic and political conditions in Russia before 1905? Answer :  The Social, economic and political conditions in Russia before 1905 was backward: → Social Conditions:85% of Russia's population was agriculturist.Industry was existent, but rarely in which most of was privately owned. Workers were divided on the basis of their occupation. They mainly migrated to cities for employment in factories. The peasant community was deeply religious, but did not care much about the nobility. They believed that land must be divided amongst themselves. Social inequality was very prominent among the working class. Workers whose jobs needed skill and training considered themselves on a higher plane than the untrained worker. Workers had strong links to the villages they came from and this also caused a social divide among workers. → Economic Conditio